
Reproductive and urinary system model

Reproductive and urinary system model

Disease model

Modeling approach

Animal strains


Prostatitis rat model

carrageenan   was injected into both ventral prostate lobes

SD/Wistar   rat

Urine/blood white blood cell count ; Prostatic   index ;Prostate histopathology

Acute kidney injury rat model

Renal ischemia reperfusion   injury

SD/Wistar rat

Serum Scr、BUN detection; Renal   pathological analysis

Drug induced

Acute renal failure(ARF) rat model

Intramuscular   injection of glycerine

SD/Wistar   rat

Serum   Scr、BUN   detection; Renal pathological analysis;

Cisplatin   induced

Chronic   renal failure (CRF) rat model

5/6   nephrectomy

SD/Wistar   rat

Serum   Scr、BUN   detection ;Renal pathological analysis; compensatory   hypertrophy of

tubular   system

Adenine   intragastric administration

Hyperuricemia rat model

Adenine   intragastric administration + Yeast powder feed

SD/Wistar   rat

Detect blood   uric acid, creatinine and urea nitrogen

Carcinoma in situ of the   bladder rat model

Bladder   MNU perfusion

SD/Wistar rat

Bio-asssy、Bladder   histopathology

Nephrotic syndrome rat model

intravenous   injection of Adriamycin

SD/Wistar rat

Serum   Scr、BUN、CysC   detection; pathological   analysis of the glomeruli

TOPBIOTECH   can provide customized animal disease model services according to the needs   of customers

 Case analysis   Prostatitis rat model

The most common type of the prostatitis syndromes is chronic nonbacterial prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CNP/CPPS), which is considered as one of the major urological problems in men younger than 50 years. Its prevalsence has been estimated range from 2 to 10%CNP, as the most common and debilitating prostatitis syndrome, is a major international health problem in men which both makes urinary symptoms and also reduces quality of life.

We induced CNP through intraprostatic injection of 1% carrageenan in rat. The advantages of this model are the protocol of the experiment is quite simple, and carrageenan-induced pain is similar to the CNP/CPPS patients, the infiltration of inflammatory cell and COX2 expression can be induced by intraprostatic carrageenan injection. Subsequently, prostaglandins derived from COX-2, particularly prostaglandin E2 were main factors responsible for the classic triad of inflammation symptoms (pain, fever and swelling).

Experimental animal information

Name   of animal model

Prostatitis rat model

Species and strains of animal

SD/   Wistar rat

Gender of animal

Age of animal


Weight of animal



Increased white blood cell content in blood routine and urine routine, the prostate weight and body weight in CNP-model increased, Prostatic index(PI)= weight of prostrate /bodyweight increased. severe diffuse chronic inflammation characterized by the moderate leucocyte infiltration, marked glandular epithelium hyperplasia and reducing the volume of the lumen were observed in the CNP model.

Partial result display
